How do we welcome children to participate in our adventures for free? Thanks to the generosity of donors and sponsors like you.
For a single child to attend an adventure, a myriad of resources need to come together: equipment, training, permits, and insurance. This adds up. For a child to attend a climbing, paddling, or skiing adventure, plus receive evidence-based coaching would typically cost well in excess of $100 per child - but we don't charge for our adventures. We are committed to keeping our adventures free for our participants.
If you feel as passionate about our mission as we do, if someone you love has experienced anxiety or depression, or if you have found peace in the mountains, please consider a tax-deductible donation. The Courage Project would not be possible without your generous donations.
The Courage Project is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization.
Unable to make a donation at this time? We also welcome donations of your skill, time, and/or product. Please contact us below or at info@courageproject.org if you would like to volunteer or become a sponsor or partner.
Thank you for your generous support!